We all fear going to the dentist. But like an annual physical exam, visiting the general dentist is important to your health. Not only is it important to take care of your teeth to keep your beautiful smile, but many health issues can originate from bad oral hygiene. But with Dr. Loren Grossman and Dr. Steven Hippeli, you won’t be afraid ever again!

With his friendly and relaxing demeanor, Dr. Grossman will put all your worries at ease and make sure you know exactly what’s happening every step of the way. From x-rays to professional cleanings to cavity removals, he will be gentle as possible and make sure you get the best possible care.

Why Visiting a Dentist is Important

Did you know that medical research shows there’s a measurable link between general health issues and common oral infections? It’s true! According to the Mayo Clinic, by not taking care of your teeth, you put yourself at risk for cardiovascular disease, respiratory infections, diabetic complications, and possibly dementia later on in your life.

Not only are regular visits important to keep your teeth white and clean, but they can prevent any issues down the road. After all, what may first seem to be a simple toothache can easily become an infection that can lead to health issues. So you want to get your teeth checked before any problems arrise!

To develop healthy habits early, there are some things you need to do. First, regularly scheduled dental visits should begin in early childhood. By introducing dental appointments early, children will become more comfortable the more they go to the dentist. Therefore, they’ll grow into adults who value the many benefits of quality oral health care. By following a routine designed to deliver the preventative measures needed to stop tooth decay in its tracks, our patients are set up for success.

Fortunately, even if you haven’t visited a dentist regularly, it’s never too late to improve your oral health. Dr. Loren Grossman and his professional staff will uncover any issues you may have and devise a plan that will your oral health care back on track. We are here to help you achieve the oral health and stunning smile you deserve.

General Dentistry Procedures

Dr. Grossman’s wide array of general dentistry services are tailored to meet one primary goal: to build upon and improve your oral health. We want you to keep your natural teeth as long as possible so you have a healthy and beautiful smile for the rest of your life. With regularly scheduled visits, general dentist Dr. Grossman and his team will keep your smile healthy for years to come.

Some of these procedures include:

Preventative Procedures

Even a simple cleaning can greatly improve your oral health! During your regular exam, our dentist will give you instructions on how you can improve your oral hygiene between visits and could recommend preventative treatments such as sealants. Other preventative measures include X-rays and fluoride treatments. These treatments are meant to stop any dental issues before they occur so listen to your dentist!

Restorative Procedures

Tooth decay is very common and very serious. As the tooth’s surface begins to break down, your tooth will develop tiny holes just big enough for bacteria to enter. This leads to cavities, pain, infection, and even tooth loss. To fix the issue, our dentist will remove the decay and place a filling in the tooth. Other restorative procedures include fixing dental trauma, perform root canals, treat periodontal gum disease, and placing crowns and bridges or dental implants.

Cosmetic Procedures

Maybe your smile is less than perfect and you want to fix that. That’s where cosmetic dentistry comes into play. Dr. Grossman offers an array of cosmetic dentistry services such as porcelain veneersteeth whitening, and Invisalign braces.

Emergency procedures

Sometimes, you can’t wait to schedule an appointment. If you’re in pain, all you can think about is getting rid of what’s causing you discomfort. If you’re experiencing swelling gums, tooth pain, or general discomfort, Dr. Grossman will do what it takes to solve the issue as quickly as possible.

When to Visit General Dentist Dr. Grossman

Don’t wait until you have signs that something is wrong. The best oral health care services will prevent you from experiencing the pain and discomfort that comes along with cavities and tooth decay. It’s essential to have regular visits to help avoid common problems like cavities and detect and treat more serious issues like oral cancer.

Depending on an individual’s oral care routine and genetics, you may need to visit a dentist more often to tackle problems like gum disease and plaque build-up. However, visiting the dentist at least one time a year should be a minimum goal to maintain a healthy smile.

Schedule your visit with Dr. Grossman now, and find out how we can help you to achieve exceptional oral health and keep you smiling for years to come! Conveniently located in Kingston, PA, we serve patients in Wilkes-Barre, Dallas, and throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania.

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