Are you embarrassed by the look and feel of your teeth? The years have not been kind to them. Either stained or chipped, uneven or filled with large gaps, you’re afraid to even smile around family members. Don’t you wish you fix your teeth once and for all?

You can with porcelain veneers! This painless, non-invasive procedure can give you back your pearly whites while straightening and correcting any dental issues you may be suffering from. All you need to do is contact Dr. Loren Grossman to start the ball rolling.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are carefully crafted to make them look just like your real teeth. It is one of the most popular choices for individuals who want to improve their oral health without the need of a long, difficult procedure.

This cost-effective technique can correct a range of dental problems, such as:

  • Stained teeth that cannot be whitened
  • Chipped teeth
  • Crooked or misshapen teeth
  • Uneven spaces
  • Large gaps between your front teeth

The process is simple. Our cosmetic dentists will remove a small amount of your teeth’s enamel to make room for the veneers. A mold of your teeth will be prepared and sent to a lab.

Several thin ceramic or resin layers will be custom created out of materials that match the color of teeth. This can take a few days so the dentist may give you a set of temporary veneers to wear in the meantime.

Once the dental veneers are created, the dentist will place them on your teeth to check the fit and shape. After a few simple adjustments, the teeth are cleaned and the veneers are bonded to your teeth.

What are the Benefits to Porcelain Veneers?

Besides giving you your smile back, there are many benefits to porcelain veneers, such as:


Porcelain veneers are known to be extremely durable and normally last for up to 25 years. Because of the durability, they rarely require special maintenance and they’re responsive to normal daily tooth care.

Porcelain Veneers

Easily conceal imperfections like chips and stubborn stains with veneers are applied directly to your teeth. Dr. Loren Grossman uses porcelain veneers because of their durability and ability to hide even the most severe tooth discoloration. With a set of porcelain veneers, your smile will look brand new!

Natural Looking

Since the color and mold matches your exact tooth, no one will ever know you have veneers. You can smile confidently, knowing your teeth will be our little secret!

Teeth Whitening

Another notable benefit of veneers is that they hide even the most severe tooth discoloration, giving you a stunning white smile you’ll be proud to show off.

Less Stress on Your Teeth

Unlike a crown or a cap, the tooth enamel that needs to be removed is much less. This puts less stress on the teeth.

Smile Makeover

Most importantly, your teeth will look new again. If you suffer from misshapen teeth and have cracks and breaks, you know the pain and embarrassment you may feel when you smile. But this virtually painless process will rejuvenate your smile, making you look and feel your best.

Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Veneers?

It’s exciting to say that many types of people with a wide variety of issues make excellent candidates. As an experienced cosmetic dentist, Dr. Loren Grossman can determine whether porcelain veneers are the best solution for whatever dental issue you’re facing.

Hundreds of patients have counted on Dr. Grossman and his team for years. You can trust that you’ll receive a thorough smile evaluation, an effective diagnosis, and a plan of treatment tailored specifically to improve your oral health.

If you are considering dental veneers, now is the time to contact Dr. Loren Grossman and his team. We are taking patients from Kingston, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, and across Northeastern Pennsylvania.

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