Have you had a dental crown installed? These ceramic crowns are a fantastic way to protect your teeth and restore your smile. However, while crowns are incredibly durable, they do need to be cared for correctly to ensure they remain working as designed for many years.

How can you protect your dental crown from damage? We have taken a closer look at some top tips to help you.

1. Avoid sticky and hard foods

One of the biggest tips for looking after your ceramic crown is to avoid sticky and hard foods. Just like normal teeth, hard foods can cause your crown to crack, while sticky foods and sweets can pull on your dental crown and cause it to come loose. You don’t have to cut your favorite hard and sticky foods out of your life completely but proceed with extreme caution.crowns and bridges

2. Maintain dental health

Although ceramic crowns are designed to be durable and long-lasting, you still need to ensure you are following the best dental care routine. That means regularly brushing and flossing your teeth as well as using mouthwash.

3. See your dentist regularly

Of course, one of the most effective ways to protect your dental crown is to ensure that you are regularly seeing your dentist. Visiting the dentist every six months is a great way to keep your teeth and gums in the best health possible. Regular dentist visits will also allow the doctor to identify areas of concern before they become issues.

Want to keep your teeth healthy?

Are you looking to keep your teeth and dental crown in the best condition possible? Dr. Loren Grossman and our highly experienced team of dentists are on hand to help you transform your dental health and ensure your smile remains bright and beautiful.

Want to schedule an appointment or find out more about our range of services? Get in touch today.

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